MEETING INFORMATION - Information about Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to attend our meetings
MEETING CALENDARS - Meetings and events information of the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group and of others in the Parkinson's community - listed by year, month, and date. Looking at previous years will give you an idea of what type of meetings we have.
WHO WE ARE and WHAT WE DO - In a safe environment we provide Support - Education - Information - Awareness - Fund Raising - and Have Fun too!
ABOUT US - Learn more about our support group, our history, our Board of Directors members, our privacy policy, and Duncan (our mascot), etc.
We Have a "Speaker's Bureau" - Is your group / organization is interested in having a FREE presentation about Parkinson's Disease? The Columbia Parkinson's Support Group has a Speaker's Bureau available to come to you. The members of the Speaker's Bureau will answer your questions and to provide information to you about Parkinson's Disease. Click here contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org to request the Speaker's Bureau to contact you about scheduling a meeting.
What Does Your Group Do - Click on this link to see SOME OF THE THINGS WE DO AS A SUPPORT GROUP Learn about some of the ways we provide Support - Education - Information - Awareness - Fund Raising - and Have Fun too!
We Provide Special Education Events - - Symposiums for patients and families living with Parkinson's Disease. Our goal is to have attendees leave with many more "tools in their tool kit" than they arrived with; and to provide more in-depth Parkinson's patient and care partner education than we normally can during our monthly support group meetings.
We Raise Awareness About Parkinson's --- Because the month of April is Parkinson Awareness
month, each year the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group, representing all the Parkinson support
groups in the state of South Carolina, has sponsored, and coordinated with the SC Governor's Office to
issue a Governor's Proclamation about April being Parkinson Awareness Month.
We Raise Funds To Help Find A Cure For PD 2010 Fundraising Walk and 2010 List of Fundraising Walk Donors & Sponsors
We Are An Active Member Of The Parkinson's Community Parkinson Disease Foundation Quilt Project for 2010 and Large View of 2010 Parkinson Disease Foundation Quilt
We Have Fun and Celebrate Special Events Our Annual Christmas / Holiday Party on December 20, 2012 - Photos & Video/Movie and Our 25th Birthday Party in 2010 |
“Every PD patient is unique and everything about his or her disease is specific to him or her and ONLY to him or her. PD has only one time - NOW, the present. The previous hours do not forecast how you are going to feel. The only thing that is predictable about this disease is its unpredictably.” ~~Written by Rick Kramer and Margaret Tuchman~~ |
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©2008 by Columbia Parkinson's Support Group (CPSG), All Rights Reserved.
Page Last Updated
February 28, 2019
Site designed and maintained by Dottie M. Gantt
WEBSITE DISCLAIMER --- The CPSG has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of information provided on the CPSG website. All information on the CPSG website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical or legal advice or recommendations. Any links to other websites found on the CPSG website are owned by third parties and the CPSG will not take responsibility for the information or content thereon. Links to such third party sites are not to be taken as an endorsement by the CPSG of the third party site or any products, services, or processes being offered by the third party.