January 17, 2016

Topic: "Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) - Demystifying The Surgical Procedure"
Speakers: Dr. Erwin Mangubat and Leah Cuff, Nurse Practitioner, Palmetto Health Neurosurgery Associates. Mr. Walter Neman, Parkinson’s Patient, and DBS recipient.
Dr. Mangubat earned his BS in Biochemistry at the University of Illinois- Champaign/ Urbana, and attended the University of Illinois- Chicago, earning a MD and MPH.
His neurosurgical residency was at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. He then completed a fellowship in Epilepsy and Functional Neurosurgery at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, WA. Dr. Mangubat also completed an Endovascular Neurosurgery Fellowship at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
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January 30, 2016
Parkinson Association of the Carolinas (PAC) Symposium
"Caring for Parkinson's - Caring for You"
Date: Saturday, January 30, 2016
Location: North Myrtle Beach, SC at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church
Cost: This is a free educational event for people with Parkinson's, their care partners, family, and friends; as well as those who work in the PD community. Note: Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Registration opens at 8:30 AM
Free Breakfast and Lunch Provided
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Gonzalo Revuelta, MD, Movement Disorders Specialist at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
There will be a Discussion Panel and a Resource & Vendor Area
Register here
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February 21, 2016

Topic: “Using Smartphone Technology to Make Your Life Easier”
This presentation will focus on discovering applications (apps) and characteristics of smartphones to help Parkinson’s patients and care partners better utilize technology to accomplish more, be safer, take medications on time, and other ways to make life easier.
Lamanda Gaskins
Bring your smartphone! If time allows, Lamanda will be happy to work with as many attendees one on one as possible. Bring a notepad and pen to take notes.
Lamanda Gaskins is Telecommunications Coordinator, Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), and Distinguished Toastmaster, Past District Governor, Toastmasters International
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Lamanda Gaskins
Mobile Phone: (803) 269-8950
March 1, 2016
Special Event
The University of SC hosts MIT stem cell researcher for annual Caskey Lecture
March 1, 2016
Time: 6:00 pm
Where: The lecture will take place in the M2 Classroom in Building 3 at the University of South Carolina’s School of Medicine.
It is free and open to the public.
Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch, a top biomedical researcher at Massachusetts Institute for Technology, will speak at 6 p.m. March 1 at the University of South Carolina.

Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch
discusses the latest stem cell
advances in the annual Caskey Lecture.
Jaenisch conducts research using laboratory-created human stem cells called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and new technologies that enable mutated genes that cause disease in cells to be replaced with healthy ones. Jaenisch will discuss the latest in stem cell science and how these unique iPS cells are improving our understanding of human health and disease, including advances in finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease, which is a major focus for Jaenisch’s lab.
Jaenisch is the speaker at the university’s Caskey Lecture, which was started in 2004 by alumnus Dr. C. Thomas Caskey, and is one of the College of Arts and Sciences’ premier lectureships. Its focus is the impact of 21st century advances in biotechnology and medicine.
Click Here For More Information MIT Stem Cell Research - Annual Caskey Lecture
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March 3, 2016
Assistive Technology Expo
SC ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY EXPO 2016 - Come see what's new in assistive technology and attend presentations about assistive technology and its use.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Time: 9 am – 4 PM
Location: Brookland Banquet and Conference Center
1066 Sunset Boulevard
West Columbia, S.C. 29169 (803) 796-7525
FREE - No Pre-Registration Needed
You can learn more about the SC Assistive Technology Expo 2016 at: http://www.sc.edu/scatp/expo/expo16.html
FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC -- NO PRE-REGISTRATION NECESSARY Mark your calendars! The South Carolina Assistive Technology Program Expo is returning for another exciting year! Come see what's new in assistive technology and listen to free presentations by great speakers.
Note from Dottie Gantt: "I have attended this Expo in past years and have found it very useful for anyone (old or young) with a disability or mobility problems. They also have vendors, exhibits, and speakers that are excellent. You do not have to spend the whole time there, you can come and go when you want to."
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March 13, 2016

LSVT BIG - Free Patient Symposium
The Science and Practice of LSVT BIG: Physical and Occupational Therapy for Parkinson Disease
There will be a mini-symposium for people with Parkinson disease on Sunday, March 13, 2016. This symposium focuses on movement disorders and physical and occupational treatment for people with Parkinson disease and is a fun educational event.
This symposium is FREE so it is a wonderful opportunity for people with PD, family members, friends, and other health care professionals who want to learn more about movement and PD to attend.
Date & Time: Sunday, March 13, 2016
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lecture (details below) and light refreshments
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Interactive exercise demonstration
Where: Palmetto Health Hospital - Baptist Campus
Palmetto Health Baptist Auditorium - Meeting Room II
1501 Sumter St
Columbia, SC 29201
Contact: Toll-free: 1-888-438-5788
Email: info@lsvtglobal.com
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March 20, 2016

Topic: Parkinson's Research Being Done At MUSC (Medical University of South Carolina
Dr. Gonzalo Revuelta
Dr. Revuelta is the Medical Director of Deep Brain Stimulation Program and Assistant Professor of Neurology
The Movement Disorder program at MUSC is involved in ongoing research through the Murray Center for Research on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders as well as clinical trials designed to find new and better ways to treat patients with Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders. The physicians of the MUSC Movement Disorders Program are currently conducting clinical trials on a variety of topics.
Murray Center for Research on Parkinson's and Related Disorders
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Dr. Gonzalo J. Revuelta , D.O.
Photo from MUSC
Find out more about Dr. Gonzalo Revuelta.
MUSC Movement Disorders Program
Department of Neurology
96 Jonathan Lucas St.
CSB 301 • MSC 606
Charleston, SC 29425-6160
Phone: 843-792-3221
April 2016

SC Governor's 2016 Proclamation
declaring April as Parkinson's Awareness Month throughout the
state of SC
April is an "excellent" time to show your support for your local Parkinson's support group. Making a donation or volunteering to help in any local / regional special events will help in celebrating Parkinson's Awareness Month.
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April 16, 2016
2016 PARKINSON'S AWARENESS SYMPOSIUM -- "Some Overlooked Non-Motor Issues In Parkinson's Disease"
A FREE Symposium Hosted by the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
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April 17, 2016
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April 23, 2016
Thank You for Helping To Raise $3,500 for the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group!
Join Us Next Year! -- To Have Fun Enjoying -- A Fashion Show, Food,
Raffles and Fun - Door Prizes Galore -- and Raise Funds for Several Non-Profits
Portions of the proceeds from this event will benefit
the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group.
Have fun enjoying -- A Fashion Show, Food,
Raffles and Fun - Door Prizes Galore
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2016
Time: 2:00 PM
The Waterford of Columbia
Telephone: 803-391-3146
Email: aknight@pathwayhospicecares.com
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Click Here to see brochure in PDF format
Click Here for a Ticket to the 2016 Passion For Fashion Show
Visit the Facebook Page

Presentation of 2016 Check - Left to Right
Marsha Clayman, Mimi Morrill, Carrie Conrad, Merry Hewitt Alisha Knight

Carrie Conrad and Merry Hewitt
At 2016 Presentation of Check |
May 3, 2016
Hosted by Central Carolina Community Foundation, Midlands Gives is a 24-hour online giving event that brings the region together as one community, raising money and awareness for local nonprofits in 11 Midlands counties.
In 2015, this event raised an incredible $1.5 million to help 252 nonprofits.
The third annual Midlands Gives is Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 from midnight to 11:59 pm.
Midlands Gives is an online event taking place right here, on the website https://midlandsgives.org/
How Can I Get Involved? Click Here To Find Out More
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Central CarolinaCommunity Foundation
2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 213
Columbia, SC 29204
803-254-5601 |
May 15, 2016

Topic: A Very Special Open Forum For Care Partners and Patients
We will have the care partners meet in one room with a moderator -and- We will have the patients meet in another room with another moderator. Each of the groups will be encouraged to discuss any of the frustrations and/or issues that they would like the other group to better understand. The groups will also be encouraged to discuss any positives and/or tips/techniques that work. The two groups will come back together and the moderators will represent their group to share insights from the discussion -- without any names being provided of who said what.
The goal is to help the care partners and the patients to better understand each other. This meeting format will enable each group to have an opportunity express themselves in a safe environment anonymously.
If there are any patients who need assistance during the breakout meetings, we will provide assistance so that they can participate with their group. If any patient feels they need to stay with their care partner, that is OK too.

Open Forum Meeting
September 2008

Libby Ross, LISW-CP
Master Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and Social Work,
Licensed Independent Social Worker, Clinical Practice
in SC and NC, LISW clinical supervisor in SC and NC,
Certified Addictions Counselor, and EMDR Consultant (National)
Email: lross781@aol.com
Libby is experienced in services specific to the geriatric population. She has extensive training in marriage and family therapy, family systems, addictions, and cognitive behavioral therapy. She has experience in services specific to the geriatric population. She also specializes in complex trauma work.
Libby has been practicing as a private practitioner since 1998. Libby’s expertise is specifically geared to finding some practical work-arounds and solutions to help with the emotional toll of PD.

Becky Baird, LMSW Family Caregiver Advocate Area Agency on Aging 236 Stoneridge Drive Columbia, S.C. 29210
Email: bbaird@centralmidlands.org
Telephone: 803-744-5140 - Fax 803-376-5394 |
Becky has worked in state government positions, including Depart of Social Services, Depart of Mental Health, and Depart of Corrections. She also has worked part-time for two years at Charter Rivers.
As a licensed social worker since 1992, Becky has been a social worker with the COG/AAA since January 2014. She has
worked in hospice care for 14 years.
Note: COG = Council of Governments which covers the central midlands region (Lexington, Richland, Fairfield, and Newberry counties).
AAA = Area Agency on Aging, which is one component of the services provided by the COG. |
About our open forum meetings, we usually start with a theme or topic and go from there. Our members have an opportunity to share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. At the open forum meetings, our members tell us they learn about things that they can't find in anywhere else, because they are learning directly from other Parkinson patients and their caregivers. These meetings are one of our most popular, and sometimes they get a little bit noisy because everyone wants to share!
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June 2016

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See you again in July! |
June 22, 2016
This Parkinson’s Wellness Program is designed for people with Parkinson’s Disease to maintain an active lifestyle through cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, flexibility, and balance. The program will allow participants the chance to try various activities and group exercise classes in a small group environment led by certified YMCA personal trainers and/or group exercise instructors.
It is an 8-week program that will meet twice per week for 60 minutes and will incorporate a variety of exercises and introductions to group exercise classes. Participants must provide a medical clearance
form and be independently mobile or have someone present to assist them.
Next session: begins the week of June 22, 2016
Meets Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Cost: YMCA members: FREE -- Non-YMCA members: $48 per 8-week session
1501 Kennerly Road
Irmo, SC 29063
Contact: andreaward@columbiaymca.org or Website www.columbiaymca.org
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July 17, 2016
Topic: The power of exercise and other Parkinson’s disease related lifestyle tips to maximize mobility and improve quality of life. Advances in physical therapy will also be discussed.
Speaker: Dr. Travis Gawler
Dr. Gawler is the lead neurologic physical therapist at Palmetto Health Physical and Specialty Therapy in Columbia, SC.
Dr. Gawler specializes in the treatment of individuals with Parkinson’s disease and is most interested in fall prevention and the utilization of exercise in maximizing mobility and minimizing functional decline.
He is a PWR! Therapist and also LSVT BIG certified. He teaches and speaks locally and regionally on fall prevention, the importance and utilization of exercises across the Parkinson’s disease spectrum and current concepts for the treatment of individuals with Parkinson’s disease.
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Dr. Travis Gawler, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist
Palmetto Health Physical and Specialty Therapy
Taylor at Marion St, Columbia SC 29220
Office: 803-296-4796
Fax: 803-296-3222
August 21, 2016
Topic: "Advance Directives -- Your Right to Make Decisions About Your Health Care and Facts About Health Care Powers of Attorney"
Speakers will be: Cassandra Kohn, B.S B.A & Bonnetta Hall, M.A.
Patient Liaison & Patient Relations
5 Richland Medical Park
Columbia, SC 29203 Office: 803-434-6237

Bonnetta Hall, M.S.
Bonnetta L. Hall has a B.S. with a major in Psychology and a M.S. in Professional Counseling. She currently is working toward licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor. She has worked as a Patient Coordinator, Community Educator in the Hospice department and currently as a Patient Liaison in Patient Relations. She also works part-time as a Group Facilitator at Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands. During 2015 she worked at the Department of Social Services as a Foster Care Case Manager.
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Cassandra Kohn, B.S.
Cassandra Kohn has been employed at Palmetto Health for 23 years, and is a Patient Liaison. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration; and is currently working on her MBA in Health Care Services.
September 18, 2016

Topic: Open Forum
For our open forum meetings, we usually start with a theme or topic and go from there. Our members have an opportunity to share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. At the open forum meetings, our members tell us they learn about things that they can't find in anywhere else, because they are learning directly from other Parkinson patients and their caregivers. These meetings are one of our most popular, and sometimes they get a little bit noisy because everyone wants to share!
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Open Forum Meeting
September 2008
To see a video/movie of one of our open forum meetings go to this link |
October 16, 2016

Topic: What do Parkinson's Patients need to know about EMS (Emergency Medical Services)
Speaker: Megan Davis is an EMS in Lexington SC
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) also known as Ambulance services or Paramedic Services are a type of emergency service dedicated to providing out-of-hospital acute medical care, transport to definitive care, and other medical transport to patients with illnesses and injuries which prevent the patient from transporting themselves. The goal of most Emergency Medical Services is to either provide treatment to those in need of urgent medical care, with the goal of satisfactorily treating the presenting conditions, or arranging for timely removal of the patient to the next point of definitive care. This is most likely an emergency department (ER) at a hospital.
Email: mdavis@lex-co.com
Telephone: 803-785-5057
Lexington County Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
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November 20, 2016

Topic: "How To Eat An Elephant"
Parknson's disease adds another complexity to any PD patient's medical care. This presentation will be about how PD patient's and their care partners can manage their "Elephant" of multiple medical specialists, medical providers, medical services, etc.
Speaker: Dottie M. Gantt, President Emertius of the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group.
Dottie is the past President of the support group for 12+ years. This presentation is based on her and her husband's 20 year experience in their managing of CW's Parkinson's "Elephant" medical care.
The viewgraphs from the presentation can be found at this link "How To Eat An Elephant". You can find at this link the "Medical Summary Example".
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Dottie Gantt
President Emeritus & Board Member
Care Partner of PD Patient
Telephone: 803-604-0061
Email: lakeside@dottiegantt.com
December 18, 2016

Join Us For Our Annual Christmas & Holiday Party
Entertainment and Refreshments will be provided - Just bring yourself and your guests!
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Happy Holidays!