
Students from USC Communication Sciences
Left to Right - Lauren Rindskopt, Abbey Glick, Victoria Aiello,
Kendra Pickerill, and Britt Lassiter
April 19, 2009 Meeting
Photo by Dennis Baker
Note: All calendar information and events are subject to change.
Please visit often for the recent and newest updates.
2019 ---- 2018 ---- 2017 ---- 2016
2015 ---- 2014 ---- 2013 ---- 2012
2011 ---- 2010 ---- 2009 ---- 2008
 Tulip symbol indicates Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting and / or Event
January 15, 2012
Topic: "Special Needs & Estate Planning"
Speaker: Sarah Linley Clingman, Attorney at Law
Sarah Clingman is a certified specialist in Elder Law, as certified by the National Elder Law Foundation. The firm's practice is limited to Elder Law, including Guardianship & Conservatorship, Estate and Special Needs planning, probate, estate administration, fiduciary administration, and issues impacting the elderly and special needs client or family member. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the South Carolina chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and a past president.
SPECIAL NOTE: Temporary Meeting Room Change for January Only
Click here for map of LMC Hospital - We suggest that you print out a copy of the map, and then follow the directions below. Come to the North Tower Entrance of LMC Hospital. If you come in at the light where the Emergency Department (a.k.a. ER) is located – you would go to the four way stop, go straight, pass the ED / ER, down the hill and park in either the parking lots "F" or "G" as indicated on the map. Go in the "North Tower Entrance", take the elevators down to the Lower Lever, and go to Classroom #1.
Just in case - The employees/volunteers at the North Tower Entrance -or- at the main hospital entrance will also be able to give you directions. Just tell them that you want to go to the North Tower Entrance and Classroom 1 in the Lower Level of that building.
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Sarah Clingman, Attorney at Law
Clingman Law Firm LLC
Elder Law - Estates - Probates
Trusts - Small Business Law
PO Box 7096 Columbia, SC 29202
Phone: 803-787-0557
Fax: 803-782-7607
February 19, 2012
Topic: What You Need To Know About The DBS Process -- From determining who is a DBS candidate - the evaluation process - the surgery/surgeries - and the on-going treatment after surgery.
(DBS is Deep Brain Stimulation - a type of surgical management of Parkinson's disease)
Speakers: Doctor Cole Giller and Doctor Shyamal Mehta
Dr. Giller is the Director of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery; Clinical Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Georgia Health Sciences University (formally called the Medical College of Georgia - MCG)
Click Here for More Information about Dr. Giller
Dr. Mehta is an Assistant Professor of Neurology and Staff Member of the Movement Disorder Clinic
Click here for more information about Dr. Mehta
Click here for information about the "Surgical Management of Movement Disorders" DBS Program at Georgia Health Sciences University.
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Dr. Cole Giller,, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.S.
Photo From
Georgia Health Sciences University
Department of Neurosurgery
Georgia Health Sciences University
1120 15th Street, BI 3088
Augusta, GA 30912-2900
Office: (706) 721-3071
Fax: (706) 721-8084

Dr. Shyamal Mehta, M.D., PhD.
Photo From
Georgia Health Sciences University
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Georgia Health Sciences University
1120 15th Street, BI 3088
Augusta, GA 30912-2900
Office Address: BI-3084
Office Phone: (706) 721-7481
shmehta@georgiahealth.edu |
March 13, 2012
Event: The 2012 SC Assistive Technology Expo
Mark your calendars! The South Carolina Assistive Technology Program Expo is returning for another exciting year! Come see what's new in assistive technology and listen to FREE presentations by great speakers.
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Time: 9 am - 4 pm
Cost: FREE
Where: Brookland Banquet and Conference Center
1066 Sunset Boulevard, West Columbia, SC 29169
(Phone of Center 803-796-7525
For information - http://www.sc.edu/scatp/expo/expo12.html
Click here to see past expo handouts from previous years presentations |
March 18, 2012
Topic: Are you prepared?
Russ Bell will be discussing what you need to do to prepare for emergencies and natural disasters (i.e., hurricanes, tornadoes, evacuations). While the topic will be applicable to everyone, there will be focus on special preparation for seniors, those with disabilities, and those who are ill and need special care.
Speaker: Russ Bell
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Russ Bell
Photo from Russ Bell
Russ Bell Speaking
P. O. Box 1256
Columbia, SC 29202
Office: 803 781-2081
Cell: 803 606-7555
Email: russ@russbellspeaking.com |
April 2012
April is an excellent time to show your support of your local Parkinson's support group, make a donation or volunteer
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Click here for more information about the
2012 SC Governor's Parkinson's Awareness Proclamation
April 2012

NOTE: There will NOT be a 2012 Proclamation Ceremony at the State House
To view previous Parkinson's Awareness Proclamation proclamations and ceremonies held at the SC State House, click on the links below.
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April 1, 2010
Participants At The SC State House
2010 Proclamation Ceremony
Photo by Dottie Gantt
April 15, 2012
To celebrate Parkinson's Awareness month, we are having a very special program at our April 15th meeting. Our meeting program will be a "Q & A Panel of Doctors". We will have doctors and specialists, who treat Parkinson patients, from the Columbia area, MUSC (Medical University of South Carolina), and Georgia Health Sciences University (formally known as MCG). You will have an opportunity to meet the doctors and to ask your questions in an open forum about Parkinson's disease and/or living with Parkinson's.
Note: The April 15th meeting will last "a little longer" than our regular meetings (no longer than 5:00 p.m.), due to the special "Q & A panel of Doctors" program, thus allowing more time for questions and answers.
We Encourage You To Submit Your Questions Before The Meeting - If you have questions for the Doctor's Panel, we encourage you to submit your questions "before the meeting". Please send your questions to this email address contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org Please enter in the "Subject" line of your email "Question for the April Meeting". We will not reveal your personal information (e.g., email address, name, etc.).
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Dr. Gonzalo J. Revuelta , D.O.
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Medical Director of Deep Brain Stimulation Program
Medical University of South Carolina
326 Calhoun Street
Suite 308 / MSC 108
Charleston, SC 29425
Office Phone: (843) 792-7262
Fax (843) 792-1751
About MUSC Movement Disorders Clinic
MUSC DBS Program

Michelle Morton-Reed [Photo Not Available]
Therapy Representative - Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Medtronic, Inc.
7000 Central Ave. NE, RCE 230
Minneapolis, MN 55432
Cell 803-587-9681
Email michelle.morton@medtronic.com
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April 19, 2012
The Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF) and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) invite you to join us for an educational forum about Parkinson's Disease and research in your community with special recognition of the contributions of Parkinson's clinical research participants.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Reef Conference Center
2913 South Ocean Blvd.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Speakers are: Vanessa Hinson, M.D., Ph. D. - Gonzalo Revuelta, D.O. - Amy DeLambo, FNP - Elaine Casavant, Support Group Leader -and- Myrtle Beach Mayor John Rhodes
Cost: FREE
Contact: Jackie Snead - Email snead_jackie@yahoo.com - Phone 304-731-8103
Contact: Elaine Casavant - Email escavant@sc.rr.com - Phone 843-650-8756
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April 23, 2012
First Asheville screening of a short documentary, "Just Around the Corner" featuring music by Bruce Springsteen, Joe D'Uros, Willie Nile, Joe Grushecky and others. Special appearances by Michael J. Fox, Danny Clinch and Vicent Pastore.
Following the screening there will be a time for Q&A with people with Parkinson's. All shapes and ages will discuss their experience with the disease.
Bring a friend without PD.
Refreshments provided.
Contact: lindamorgan@email.com
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April 25, 2012
St. Joseph’s/Candler Movement Disorders Program Seminar: Updates on the latest treatments for Movement Disorders, including Deep Brain Stimulation, Movement Therapies and Sleep Disorders.
Wednesday, April 25th
Time: 12:00 Noon - 5:00 p.m.
Place: Unitarian Universalist Church of the Low Country 110 Malphrus Rd. Bluffton, SC
Featuring: Pamela Quinn, a Dance Therapist with PD www.pamelaquinn.net
Contact: Adrienne O'Neill - Email adrienne@hargray.com - Phone 843.836.2727 and cell 843.505.0175
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April 28, 2012
2nd Annual for Parkinson's and MS Symposium - "Living Well With Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis"
Date: Saturday, April 28th , 2012
Time: 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Where: TD Convention Center,
One Exposition Drive,
Greenville, SC 29607
Admission: FREE
Lunch: FREE
Contact For Information -or- To
Register [pre-registration required] Call 1-877-GHS-INFO (447-4636) or visit http://www.ghs.org/360healthed
Click here to see a PDF flyer of this event
This event is sponsored by Greenville Hospital System University Medical Center in cooperation with Parkinson’s Support Group of the Upstate and Greater Carolinas Chapter of the National MS Society.
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May 14, 2012
Event: 4th Annual “PAR fore Parkinson’s” Golf Tournament - Parkinson's Fund Raising Event
Monday May 14, 2012 at 10:00 AM
Contact: Mike Benko at Telephone 803-641-2237
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May 18, 2012SEMINAR
Approaching PD with Confidence!
Save the date May 18, 2012 for Augusta’s 11th Annual Parkinson’s Disease Patient Seminar.
This seminar is FREE and open to the public.
We invite everyone eager to hear the latest in PD findings to join us as we listen to Movement Disorders Specialists Dr. Alberto Espay from the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Shyamal Mehta and Dr. John Morgan from Georgia Health Sciences University.
To register and for information, contact Amanda Stefanakos, Outreach Coordinator, at 706-721-4895 or astefanakos@georgiahealth.edu
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May 18, 2012SEMINAR
For Medical Care Professionals |
“PD 101 for Allied Health Professionals” is back!
This seminar is for Medical care givers -
PTs, OTs, SLPs, and social workers can earn 6.25 CEUs in this one day class.
Friday, May 18, 2012
8am to 4pm
Where: DoubleTree Augusta
Focusing on a team approach in the care of Parkinson’s Disease patients, participants will also learn current best practices in their related discipline.
Register online at http://www.georgiahealth.edu/ce/alliedce/PD101-May2012.html
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May 19, 2012
Presented by The Udall Center at Emory University - Patients and family members will discuss current findings and trends in Parkinson's disease research with Emory scientists in small groups of 8-10 people lasting 30 minutes each - 3 discussions per person. The meeting will end with a presentation from Michael J. Fox Foundation -and- a casual lunch for continued interactions between attendees and scientists.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Cost is FREE including Lunch & Parking
Emory University
Claudia Nance Rollins Building
1518 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Contact: Phone 404-712-9647 --- udall.emory.edu/community_outreach -- Email mapears@emory.edu
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May 20, 2012
Topic: OPEN FORUM - "If you don't care, who will care?"
SPECIAL NOTE: Due to popular request by our members, our new meeting times are we start at 3:00 pm and end at 4:30 pm. With time available "after" our meetings for socialization among guests and support group members! |
Because this year is an important political year, it is even more important for all of us in the Parkinson's community to understand how our voices can be heard in Washington and make an important difference for the Parkinson's community.
During this Open Forum, we will not discuss, express our political opinions, or indicate support of one political party versus another. This meeting is not about political parties - it is not about red versus blue. We will discuss why we should become Parkinson advocates; how we can become active advocates; and how we can influence Washington's support of dollars for research, adequate care options, future better treatments, and finding a cure for Parkinson's disease.
Adrienne O'Neill, the South Carolina State Director for PAN (Parkinson's Action Network), will help lead our Open Forum discussion on becoming advocates -and- educating the public in our communities and our government leaders on better policies for research and an improved quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s.
Join us for this very interesting, challenging, and thought provoking Open Forum discussion.
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For our open forum meetings we usually start with a theme or topic and go from there. Our members have an opportunity to share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. At the open forum meetings, our members tell us they learn about things that they can't find in anywhere else, because they are learning directly from other Parkinson patients and their caregivers.
Adrienne O’Neill,
South Carolina State Director of
PAN (Parkinson Action Network)
Hilton Head Island, SC
843-836-2727 (home)
843-505-0175 (cell)
June 2012
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See you again in July! |
June 8, 2012
Duke University Movement Disorders Center
Friday, June 8, 2012
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Millennium Hotel
The Alumni Room
2800 Campus Walk Avenue
Durham, NC 27705
Registration is limited to 25 participants
Fee = $10.00 per person - Payable to Duke University / PD 101
Lunch = Free with Fee
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This class is designed for the newly diagnosed individual and their loved one. The afternoon will be filled with information about Parkinson's disease and resources.
Contact to register = Arlene D'Alli, MSW, LCSW at
Phone: 919-684-5128
932 Morreene Road
Durham, NC 27705
July 15, 2012
Topic: Parkinson's Disease Makes Me So Angry!
Speaker: Wendy Baker, M.A., LPC-I
Wendy is a Licensed Professional Counselor Intern in the State of South Carolina. She is a member of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). Wendy is a graduate of the College of Charleston and an honors graduate of Liberty University, where she earned a Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling. She completed her internship at Safe Harbor, where she worked with victims of domestic abuse.
Wendy is a contracting provider with Riley Therapy, P.A. and with Canterbury Counseling Center in Greenville and the surrounding communities. Wendy offers general counseling services to both individuals and families. Her passions include self esteem/identity, depression, stress/anxiety, trauma/abuse, and adjustment issues.
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Wendy Baker |
August 19, 2012
For our open forum meetings we usually start with a theme or topic and go from there. Our members have an opportunity to share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. At the open forum meetings, our members tell us they learn about things that they can't find in anywhere else, because they are learning directly from other Parkinson patients and their caregivers.
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September 21, 2008
Photo by Dottie Gantt |
September 11 - October 30, 2012
Topic: The Columbia School of Taiji is having a 8-week "Introduction to Taiji"
When: Tuesdays, September 11 - October 30, 21012
Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Where: Eastminster Presbyterian Church - 3200 Trenholm Road - Columbia, SC
Cost: $65 for 8 classes
Contact : Janet Swigler 803-252-2204 Email: jlswigler@aol.com
Taiji (tai chi) is a moving meditation. It encompasses and develops the physical, mental, and spiritual elements of our lives. The synchronization of slow, continuous movements with one's breath benefits the practioner with: reduced stress, improved balance and muscle tone, and is a low-impact aerobic workout.
Each class will include stretching, qigong (energy work), and the study of an introductory taiji form. The first class may be attended as a trial before registering for the 8-week session.
Click here to read about the benefits of Taiji for Parkinson patients. You also may want to Google "Tai chi parkinson" and see all the articles discussing the benefits of this this type of program.
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The photo above is when Janet Swigler presented Taiji at our May 2008 meeting. Several people from our support group signed up for Janet's classes, and said that they enjoyed them and received a lot of benefit from the class.
September 16, 2012
SPECIAL NOTE: Temporary Meeting Room Change for September 16, 2012 Meeting Only!
The Auditorium where we normally meet is under construction, so we have to temporarily move our meeting place. See information for directions to the temporary meeting room below.
Topic: Your Pharmacist Can Be Your BFF (Best Friend Forever)
Speaker: Pharmacist W. Walker Gaddy
Temporary Meeting Place: LMC Hospital - North Entrance - Lower Level - Classroom #1 |

Medicine Mart
348B Columbia Ave
Lexington SC - 29072
Phone: 803-957-5969
We suggest that you print out a copy of the map, and then follow the directions below. Click here for map of LMC Hospital
To get to the North Entrance - Lower Level - Classroom 1.
If you come in at the light on Hwy 378 - turn on East Hospital Drive - go past the Emergency Department (a.k.a. ER) – go straight, down the hill and park in either parking lot "F" or "G" as indicated on the map.
Go to the North Entrance of LMC Hospital --- do not go to the "North Tower Patient Pick-Up Entrance".
Take the elevators down to the Lower Level, and go to Classroom #1.
We suggest that you arrive earlier than usual to find parking.
The employees/volunteers at the staffed hospital entrances should be able to give you directions. Just tell them that you want to go to the North Entrance - Lower Level - Classroom 1.
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October 13, 2012
Topic: Preserving Your Assets - A Conference for Caregivers
The speakers will help you better understand the role of Medicaid and what strategic financial planning moves you can make to protect your assets. There will also be a panel discussion on what is available to preserve your resources.
NOTE: You must register ahead of time!
Presented By: The Caregiver Coalition of the Midlands
Date: Saturday, October 13, 2012
Time: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Location: Riverbanks Zoo and Gardens
Cost: FREE to Register & A FREE Lunch
Call: 803-296-5978
NOTE: Respite Care can be arranged for your loved one during the conference. Contact: Central Midlands Family Caregiver Support Program a 803-376-5390 --- First Come Basis -- Limited Space
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The Care-Line is a phone support that provides resource information or just a listening ear and encouragement. All calls are confidential.
803-744-8615 |
October 21, 2012
NOTE: Due to illness, we will reschedule Debbie Kelly for next year (2013) and have an Open Forum for this meeting.
Topic: Helping caregivers and patients to make critical decisions that impact their quality of life
Speaker: Debbie Kelly, LMSW, CMC
A licensed social worker, Debbie Kelly is the principle owner of Geri-Advocates Care Management, LLC. With more than 15 years combined experience in behavioral health, managed care, geriatrics, and hospice social work, Debbie is experienced in advocating for the needs of the elderly. She works one-on-one with families to develop both short and long-term care plans that meet the needs of both family members and their loved ones.
Debbie is also certified as an Advanced Practice Social Work Case Manager (C-ASWCM) and is a member of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM).
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Debbie Kelly
Photo from Geri-Advocates
7436 Forest Court
Suite 109
Irmo, SC 29063
(803) 960-8524
Email debbie@geriadvocates.com
http://www.geriadvocates.com/ |
October 23, 2012
Exposition |
Senior Services Community Expo!
The Senior Services Community Expo will provide older adults and their families and caregivers free access to critical information and resources to help them make informed decisions regarding health and long-term care issues. There will be over 25 exhibits with information on Medicare, Alzheimer’s, legal issues, veterans’ and government services with medical screenings and more! Free diabetes and prostate screenings will be available with advanced registration.
Be sure to visit the SC Assistive Technology exhibit while you are there!
When: Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Time: 9am to 1pm
Where: Shandon Baptist Church, located at 5250 Forest Drive in Columbia, SC
For more information: http://www.shandon.org/seniorexpo/
The Senior Services Community Expo is a collaborative effort of the Senior Adult Ministry of Shandon Baptist Church along with the Lt. Governor’s Office on Aging, Medical Services of America, and South Carolina Assistive Technology Program.
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November 3, 2012
MUSC Symposium “Living with Parkinson’s Disease”
A one day course for patients and families dealing with Parkinson’s Disease. Sessions will be led by members of the MUSC Movement Disorders Program team and invited guests.
Date: November 3, 2012
Time: 8:30 am to 3:15 pm
Registration fee: $20 per person (includes refreshments and lunch) Mail registration and payments, no later than October 26, 2012
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel - (4831 Tanger Outlet Blvd. North Charleston, SC 29418) Click here to obtain a copy of flyer and registration form.
For questions and additional information, please call the Movement Disorders Program at 843-792-7262 or Email carbonsj@musc.edu
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November 18, 2012

Topic: How are you doing with driving your car these days?
Speaker: Stephanie Scharf, OTR/L, DRS, C/NDT
Stephanie is an Occupational Therapist working for Palmetto Health Richland in the Geriatric Mobility Research Clinic. She has started a Driving Rehabilitation Program. She will be discussing the Driving Program and evaluation process, driving safety/warning signs and adaptive equipment for the vehicle. She will bring some simple adaptive equipment tools which may help with transfers, seat belt management or blind spot assistance for lane changes.
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Stephanie Scharf, OTR/L, DRS, C/NDT
Palmetto Health Richland
Geriatric Research Clinic
3010 Farrow Road - Suite 300-A
Columbia, SC 29203
Office 803-434-1448 Fax 803-434-4331
Email Stephanie.Scharf@palmettohealth.org
December 1, 2012
Call Herb Tinley 239-275-1717
to book your stateroom now. Bon Voyage!
For All Questions & Information
Please Contact:
Call Herb Tinley – 239-275-1717
Fax -239-275-1135
Cruise Everything - 1950 Courtney Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33901
Website: http://cruises.advaia.com/details/?CID=41&OfferID=919444
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December 16, 2012
Join Us For Our Annual Christmas / Holiday Party
Entertainment and Refreshments will be provided
We will be having live entertainment by Bob Michalski, who plays a wide variety of contemporary and jazz instrumental selections. Bob has appeared in many locations around Columbia, including churches, weddings, and corporate events. CLICK HERE to hear a short sample of Bob's dinner music.
For several samples of Bob's wide variety music CLICK HERE - Be sure to click on the playlist titles in the right-hand box.
WIS TV recognized Bob in December, 2007 for his volunteer work with music therapy. To see the WIS TV videos CLICK HERE ~~ scroll down the page to find the WIS videos.
Email: reedman@bellsouth.net
Phone: 803-315-8353
Website: http://www.bobthesaxplayer.com/
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Happy Holidays!

Back by popular demand!
Bob Michalski |
What is a PODCAST? A podcast is a series of digital media files, either audio or video, that is released and downloaded through web syndication. The mode of delivery is what differentiates podcasts from other ways of accessing media files over the Internet. New files can thus be downloaded automatically by the podcatcher and stored locally on the user's computer or other device for offline use, giving simpler access to content. Like the term broadcast, podcast can refer either to an ongoing series or episodes of a particular program.
What is a WEBCAST? A webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology. A webcast may either be distributed live or on demand. Essentially, webcasting is “broadcasting” over the Internet.
What is a WEBINAR? A webinar is a specific type of web conference. It is typically one-way, from the speaker to the audience with limited audience interaction, such as in a webcast. A webinar can be collaborative, and include polling and question & answer sessions to allow full participation between the audience and the presenter.
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