
Tai Chi Presentation by Janet Swigler - May 18, 2008
Photo by Dennis Baker
Note: All calendar information and events are subject to change.
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 Tulip symbol indicates Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting and / or Event
January 20, 2008
Speaker: Dottie & CW Gantt
Topic: "How To Eat An Elephant" - Dealing with multiple medical specialists before, during, and after surgery
Contact information for Dottie Gantt: lakeside@att.net
Telephone: 803-604-0061
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February 17, 2008
Speaker: Ila Woodwyk, RN
Topic: End of life issues or Determining your own end
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March 16, 2008
Speaker: Russ Bell, Executive Director of Finley House
Topic: "Half Full or Half ..." - Perspective and Attitude
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April 20, 2008
For our open forum meetings we usually start with a theme or topic and go from there. Our members have an opportunity to share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. At the open forum meetings, our members tell us they learn about things that they can't find in anywhere else, because they are learning directly from other Parkinson patients and their caregivers.
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May 18, 2008
Speaker - Janet Swigler - Click here for more info about our speaker
Topic: Tai Chi Exercise for Parkinson Patients
Contact for information: Janet Swigler - jlswigler@aol.com
To learn more about the benefits of Tai Chi Exercise for Parkinson Patients Click Here
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June 2008
No Meeting
No Support Group Meeting - Summer Vacation!
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June 20, 2008
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Wanna Tango - Tango for Therapy for Parkinson's Patients
Contact for Information : Elizabeth Jones - eamjones@sc.rr.com
Cell phone #803-760-2005
Date: Starts Friday, June 20
Time: 6:00 - 6:45 pm
Place: Ashland United Methodist Church, Columbia, SC
Cost: Class includes approximately 16 hours of dance instruction. This includes studio and teacher.
Note: Each participant must have a partner, spouse, relative, or friend. Only one participant of each couple can have PD. NO TWO PD partners will be together.
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July 20, 2008
Speaker: Eldon Armstrong, R. Ph., Certified Geriatric Pharmacist
Topic: Prescriptions, Medications, and Parkinson's
Contact for information: Eldon Armstrong Medicinecheckup@bellsouth.net
Consultations by Appointment Only - Telephone: 803-252-7331
Click Here for more info about our speaker as a Consulting and Community Pharmacist
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August 17, 2008
Learn About MCG's Clinical Trials - Have An Opportunity To Participate In A Clinical Trial!
We are "very pleased" to announce that for our August support group meeting we will be having research members of Dr. Sethi's Parkinson's & Movement Disorders Program, from the Department of Neurology at the Medical College of Georgia. They will be presenting a very interesting program on clinical trails. This meeting will provide an opportunity for you to be introduced to the Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Team at MCG (Medical College of Georgia), to obtain an understanding about clinical trails, and to volunteer for a clinical trial.
Speakers: Sherry Banks and Rajan Prakash
- Research Assistants
Topic: Understanding Clinical Trials and Research at the Medical College of Georgia, Parkinson's & Movement Disorders Program; and an Introduction to the PARS Study & Clinical Trail
PARS = Parkinson Associated Risk Study ---- Click here to learn more about PARS
The PARS study is the largest study involving first-degree relatives of individuals diagnosed with Parkinson disease.
The goal of the PARS study is to better understand who may be at risk for Parkinson disease so that it can ultimately be prevented before it starts. This study will evaluate thousands of individuals that have a relative affected by Parkinson disease to determine whether specific tests are able to predict who may be at increased risk for developing Parkinson disease. The initial test to be evaluated in the PARS study is a smell identification test that is distributed by mail and completed at home. By using smell testing in combination with other tests we hope to develop a system to detect signs or symptoms that may predict who is at risk for Parkinson disease.
To learn more about why the sense of smell may be an important screening tool for Parkinson disease go to What is the PARS study?
To understand and learn more about Clinical Trials in general before this meeting, and how to ask questions about clinical trails, please visit our "Odds and Ends" page for "Understanding Clinical Trials" information
We "strongly" encourage all Parkinson patients to bring their family members to this support group meeting, because you and your family members will have an opportunity to volunteer and participate in the clinical trial of the PARS Study. The following are the qualifications for an individual's eligibility:
1) You have a first-degree relative (mother, father, sibling, or child) diagnosed with Parkinson's disease
2) Your age is 50 years or older
3) You have not been diagnosed with Parkinson disease yourself
4) You have no history of nasal trauma or surgery involving your nose or sinuses
The initial test to be evaluated in the PARS study is a smell identification test that is distributed by mail and completed at home. You will be provided with a form at this meeting to receive the test package in the mail. Volunteers for this clinical trial are needed! If you cannot attend this meeting, you can still volunteer for the PARS Study.
If you have questions or want more information about participating in the PARS Study at MCG please contact Sherry Banks at SBANKS@mail.mcg.edu or telephone 706-721-1238
Therapists study Wii Fit w/ Balance Board in attempt to battle Parkinson's
Dr. Nathan "Ben" Herz from the Department of Occupational Therapy at MCG will also present a demonstration of the use of Wii Fit with Balance Board. Dr. Herz is conducting a study to see if the Nintendo Wii Fit with Balance Board can aid in the occupational therapy of those with Parkinson's.
For some information about the Wii Fit study click on the following links
If you have questions or want more information about the MCG Wii Fit Parkinson study, contact Paula Jackson at pjackson@mcg.edu or telephone 706-721-4152
You may reach Dr. Nathan "Ben" Herz at email nherz@mcg.edu or telephone 706-721-3641
Dr. Herz recommends for help in finding a Wii Fit with Balance Board to purchase to use the Wii Fit Tracker link.
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August 22, 2008
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Mark your calendars --- The 4th Annual Parkinson Symposium is Coming to Columbia, SC Again!
Date: Friday, August 22, 2008
What: 2008 Columbia SC Educational Symposium
Sponsored By: Parkinson Association of the Carolinas & Palmetto Health Senior Primary Care
Speakers: Dr. Abraham Lieberman - Debbie Clark, LPC - Melody Morehouse, PT
Dr. Lieberman is very famous in the Parkinson world. He has written several books - one of the best books on Parkinson's is his book "101 Questions & Answers About Parkinson Disease".
Locations: Brookland Baptist Church - Banquet & Conference Center
1066 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia SC, 29169
This facility has wonderful parking and lots of handicap access for everyone.
Time: 9 am-3 pm
Cost: Registration is $15.00 and includes lunch.
To Register and For more information call the Parkinson Association of the Carolinas at 1-866-903-7275.
Note: There will be several other speakers and vendors with excellent Parkinson information - plus they give out freebies. Everyone who has gone to these symposiums in previous years has come away with very positive feedback. Attending this symposium will be worth your time and the price of the symposium.
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August 23 thru September 5, 2008
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Tango For Therapy -- A Workshop Designed for Individuals Diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease (One 10 Hour Workshop or Two 5 Hour Workshops - Your choice!)
Orlando Farias and Lilliana Toleme, world renown dance partnership from Buenos Aires, are coming again to conduct the Tango for Therapy workshop. This three week workshop is scheduled to run in conjunction with the Parkinson's of the Carolina's Symposium being held on August 22nd.
Tango For Therapy uses the Argentine Tango as the basis to work on balance, gait, mental focus, concentration, stretching, thinking, and doing. Based on studies, research, medical journals, clinical trials, personal experience, and observation, the moves and steps of Argentine Tango have shown to help counteract the debilitating symptoms of Parkinson's disease. This isn’t about the sultry lady with her dress slit up to there, or the tuxedo clad gentleman who glides, sways and dips his partner. It is about a group of people, dressed in whatever is comfortable, using music, rhythm, and steps to intervene with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. If you can stand, you can do this workshop.
Contact: Elizabeth M. Jones
803-791-3500 / 803-760-2005
Email: tangofortherapy@gmail.comwww.tangofortherapy.com
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August 26 thru
October 14, 2008
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Taiji Sessions for Beginners
Date: Starts Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Time: 5:30-6:30 PM
Where: Eastminster Presbyterian, 3200 Trenholm Rd.
Cost: One 8-week session $65.00
The classes will include stretching, chi gong (breath work), and instruction in the Beijing form. The entire Beijing form will be taught over the course of three consecutive 8-week sessions. For the greatest benefit, enrollment in all three 8-week sessions is recommended. The first class may be attended as a trial before registering for an entire session. Please wear loose, comfortable clothes and tennis shoes.
Contact: Janet Swigler - jlswigler@aol.com - Telephone 803-252-2204
For more info about Janet Click here
Learn more about the benefits of Tai Chi Exercise for Parkinson Patients by clicking on the following links
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September 21, 2008
For our open forum meetings we usually start with a theme or topic and go from there. Our members have an opportunity to share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. At the open forum meetings, our members tell us they learn about things that they can't find in anywhere else, because they are learning directly from other Parkinson patients and their caregivers.
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October 19, 2008
Speaker: Claire Stevens Tidwell, Registered Dietitian at
Topic: Managing Parkinson medications and nutrition
A South Carolina native and a graduate from Winthrop University, Claire has more than 5 years of experience in clinical nutrition, and has been able to work in her other nutrition interest areas including sports and wellness nutrition.
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November 8, 2008
The Columbia Parkinson's Support Group (CPSG) is going to have our own team of walkers for this event. If you would like to join TEAM CPSG WALKERS contact Kay Perricelli for more information.
The Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) Parkinson Support Group – Augusta Chapter is having a Walk & Raffle Fund Raiser. You can be an Individual Walker ($15) or aTeam Member ($15 per team member) to participate - includes a T-Shirt. Great prizes are available for the $5 Raffle tickets - purchased in advance and at the walk. If you don't wish to walk, you can still donate.
Registration starts at 9:00 am - Walk starts at 10:00 am -and- Raffle starts at 11:00 am
Family Y Track on Wheeler Road, Augusta, GA.
Contact: 706-364-1662 - parkinsoncsra@comcast.net
Make Checks Payable To: "2008 CSRA Parkinson Walk"
CSRA Parkinson Walk
C/O Jim Rasmussen
2008 Bridgewater Drive
Augusta, GA 30907
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November 13, 2008
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PATIENT ADVOCACY TRAINING - AARP South Carolina is providing training to help you become a patient advocate, either for yourself, for a family member or a friend.
Date: November 13, 2008 - Thursday
Time: 10:00 am -- 3:00 pm
Where: Embassy Suites Hotel, 200 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia
Contact: To register please call 803.765.7382 or 1.866.389.5655
Cost: Free - but - You must be an AARP member to register for this training. Join or renew your membership Click Here
Every year in the United States, 100,000 people die from medical error, that's equivalent to a commercial airliner going down every day. There are another 120,000 yearly hospitalizations from MRSA; a hospital acquired dangerous bacterial infection. Patient safety has long been one of our nation's most challenging health care issues. Yet, many errors are easily avoidable. This training will help you to become a patient advocate, either for yourself, for a family member or friend. Because AARP South Carolina is providing this patient advocacy training you must be an AARP member to register for this training. Copies of Dr. Hallisy's book "The Empowered Patient" will be provided along with lunch.
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November 16, 2008
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Speaker: Roni Klemick of Senior Services and AAA Movers
Topic: Help Wanted!
Located in Columbia, SC, Senior Services brings years of experience to help you. Are you thinking about retirement planning, downsizing, or relocating? Do you need help maintaining your home? For more information visit their web site or call 803-733-5560
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December 21, 2008
Annual Christmas / Holiday Party - Entertainment & Refreshments will be provided
Speaker: Nancy Jones
Topic: "Laughing For Good Health - Laugh A Little, Gain A Lot"
Nancy Jones is a certified laugh leader who teaches therapeutic laughter for mental & physical well-being. Instead of jokes, Nancy will use simulated laughter, which quickly turns into genuine laughter. Laughter exercises can be done as chair exercises. Each person can participate at their own comfort level. To find out more about laughter therapy Click Here
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What is a PODCAST? A podcast is a series of digital media files, either audio or video, that is released and downloaded through web syndication. The mode of delivery is what differentiates podcasts from other ways of accessing media files over the Internet. New files can thus be downloaded automatically by the podcatcher and stored locally on the user's computer or other device for offline use, giving simpler access to content. Like the term broadcast, podcast can refer either to an ongoing series or episodes of a particular program.
What is a WEBCAST? A webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology. A webcast may either be distributed live or on demand. Essentially, webcasting is “broadcasting” over the Internet.
What is a WEBINAR? A webinar is a specific type of web conference. It is typically one-way, from the speaker to the audience with limited audience interaction, such as in a webcast. A webinar can be collaborative, and include polling and question & answer sessions to allow full participation between the audience and the presenter.
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Special Event - Webcast of Parkinson Symposiums - FREE!
The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) is offering four educational symposiums and webcasts for people with Parkinson's, caregivers and family members and allied health professionals. Each will feature Parkinson’s experts discussing the latest advances in research and treatments. Not in your neighborhood? No problem! Watch each event's webcast LIVE or after the event. Each half-day symposium will be available both to a live audience and to those who prefer to watch the event webcasts from their home computers. Not only can webcast viewers watch presentations in real time, they can also submit their own questions to our experts.
Those who cannot join the webcast live can still view the symposia via a webcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for one year following each event. For more information about the webcasts Click Here
May 9, 2008 - What’s in the Pipeline for Parkinson’s?
July 18, 2008 - Mind, Mood and Body: Understanding Non motor Symptoms of PD
October 11, 2008 - Surgical Advances, DBS and Parkinson's Disease
April 4, 2009 - Quality of Life and Parkinson's Disease