According to the National Parkinson Foundation, self-care and education are crucial in dealing with the progression of the disease for individuals who are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Support groups provide an important component for this self-care. Support groups help to provide an important avenue toward learning more about this disease and finding others who can share their experiences in dealing with this brain disorder.
The Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
The Columbia Parkinson's Support Group (also known as CPSG) is a non-profit corporation of the State of South Carolina, and application is in progress for IRS 501(c)(3) status.
The mission of the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group is to provide the Parkinson's Community with a safe environment to obtain SUPPORT, INFORMATION, EDUCATION, create AWARENESS about Parkinson's Disease, and FUND RAISING to further research for the cure of Parkinson's Disease.
We have a variety of topics at our meetings. We invite many types of guest speakers, including medical and lifestyle professionals, who can provide information about treatments; clinical trials; tips and coping strategies; information and education about Parkinson's disease; and disease related topics.
We encourage discussions by our members during and after our meetings. We schedule open forums meetings, where members may discuss and share their concerns, discuss life issues, or participate in activities to help them learn about and understand the disease.
To give you an idea of what our meetings are about; what type of topics and presentations we have at our meetings; and what we can provide - we suggest and recommend that you look at our yearly meeting calendars (past, present, and future).
We focus not only on the Parkinson patient but also the caregivers and care partners. We welcome and encourage not only patients to attend our meetings, but also their family, friends, neighbors, community members, and anyone who is interested in learning about Parkinson's.
Click here to see some of the things that the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group does.
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Please Note: Before attending your first meeting of any of the South Carolina support groups listed below, we recommend that you contact the group to see if the group has changed their date, time, place, etc.
You Can Help Us: If you know of a South Carolina Parkinson's Support Group that is not listed below or the information needs to be updated, please feel free to Contact Us with their information.
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Meeting place: Just Breathe Studio, 1501 Whiskey Road, Aiken, SC
Meetings: 1st Friday of the Month at 3:00 p.m.
Location: 116 Pendleton Street SW, Aiken, SC
Contact: Amanda Stefanakos
Phone: 706-721-4895
Email: astefanakos@georgiahealth.edu
Meetings: 3rd Thursday 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Location: AnMed Health Rehab Hospital, 1 Spring Back Way, Anderson, SC [In the large activities room]
Contact: Chris Daughtry
Phone: 864-716-2600
Email: chris.daughtry@healthsouth.com
Contact: Katherine Vickerman
Phone: 864-332-2850
Email: Katherine.Vickerman@healthsouth.com
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Name: Parkinson's Support Group of the Lowcountry
Contact: Lindsay Daly
Phone: 843-706-2296
Email: ldaly@hospicecarelc.org
Bluffton - Sun City - Hilton Head
Meeting place: Bluffton-Okatie Outpatient Center, 40 Okatie Blvd. #100, Okatie, SC
Contact: Betty Eberlie
Phone: 843-705-6578
Email: ebeberle@sc.rr.com
Contact: Muriel Coleman
Phone: 843-987-3505
No Email |
Calhoun (and including all the Midlands of SC) ~
Serving the counties of (but not limited to) Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Orangeburg, Newberry, Richland, Saluda, and Sumter
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Charleston and Mount Pleasant
Name: Trident Parkinson's Support Group
Meetings: Second Sunday of every month (except July)
Meeting Place: Bon Secours, St. Francis Hospital, West Ashley Meeting Room #1, 2095 Henry Tecklenburg Drive, Charleston, SC 29414
Time: 2:30 pm
Membership is free
Contact: Gretchen Huff
Phone: 843-297-1122
Email: ghuff@5sqc.com
Contact: Jennifer Evans
Phone: 843-810-3934
Email: Jenniferb.evans@tenethealth.com
Meeting Place: Hospice Care South Carolina, 179 Columbia Street, Chester, SC 29706
Contact: Jan Byars
Phone: 803-581-6577
Email: janb@hospicecare.net
Contact: Sam Guza
Phone: 803-385-3753
Email: sguza@truvista.net
Columbia (and including all the Midlands of SC) ~
Serving the counties of (but not limited to) Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Orangeburg, Newberry, Richland, Saluda, and Sumter
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org |
Columbia - Northeast
Name: Northeast Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: The Waterford at Columbia -
9370 Windsor Lake Blvd, Columbia, SC 29223
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of Every Month
Time: 4:00 pm
Contact: Janice Whitworth
Phone: 803-699-1121
Email: Jwhitworth@capitalseniorliving.net
Caregiver Support Group
Meeting Place:
Sterling House of Parklane, 251 Springtree Drive, Columbia, SC.
Meetings: Last Thursday of each month - Refreshments will be served.
6:00 p.m.
Cordelia (Dee) Hook
Phone: 803-351-0523 - cell phone
Email: chook@brookdaleliving.com
Parkinson's Caregiver Support Group
Meeting Place:
Leeza's Care Connectons - 201 St. Andrews Road, Columbia, SC
Corner of Tram Road and St. Andrewsk Road - Parking in back of house.
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month - Respite care by volunteers is available for loved ones during the meeting.
11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Lunch will be provided (FREE)
Phone: 803-888-7525
Contact: Kena Dill, Care Connector -- kena@leezascareconnection.org
Name: Midlands Area Lewy Body Dementia Support Group
Meeting Place: Haven in the Summit, 3 Summit Terrace, Columbia, SC
Meetings: 2nd Monday of every month
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
-or- Meeting Place: Lifespan Consulting, 7021 St. Andrews Road, Columbia, SC Meetings: 2nd Monday of every month
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Contact: Dianne Hillyer
Phone: (803) 917-3470
Email: dhillyer@seniorlivingnow.com
Meeting place: Baptist Easley Hospital (Private Dining Room)
Meeting: Meets every other month starting with February - 2nd Tuesday - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Contact: Angela Reid
Phone: 864-442-7811
Email: angela.reid@baptisteasley.org
Contact: Gail VanEtten
Phone: 864-442-7626
Email: gail.vanetten@baptisteasley.org
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Serving the Midlands of SC (but not limited to) Fairfield, Calhoun, Kershaw, Lexington, Orangeburg, Newberry, Richland, Saluda, and Sumter
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Meeting place: John Knox Presbyterian Church, 35 Shannon Dr., Greenville, SC 29615
Meetings: Sept – May 3rd Thursday 2:00 p.m.
Phone for info: (864) 609-1793
Web site: http://www.psgotu.org/
Contact: Patrick Sullivan
Phone: 864-884-6827
Email: pjsullivan66@charter.net
Contact: Lisa Cox
Phone: 864-579-4916
Email: sptgpd@gmail.com
Contact: Sandy Holmes
Phone: 864-609-1793
Email: jimsan82@att.net
Hilton Head
Meeting place: Hilton Head Medical Center, Hilton Head Island, SC
Meetings: Monthly 3rd Tuesday 1:00 p.m.
Contact: Glenn and Mary Ann Burgeson
Phone: 843-757-3776
Email: lex@hargray.com
Contact: Adrienne O'Neill
Phone: 843-836-2727
Email: adrienne@hargray.com
Contact: Ellen Forwalk
Phone: 843-681-3096
Email: frankforwalk@aol.com
Hilton Head - Sun City - Bluffton
Meeting place: Bluffton-Okatie Outpatient Center, 40 Okatie Blvd. #100, Okatie, SC
Contact: Betty Eberlie
Phone: 843-705-6578
Email: ebeberle@sc.rr.com
Contact: Muriel Coleman
Phone: 843-987-3505
No Email |
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Serving the Midlands of SC (but not limited to) Kershaw, Calhoun, Fairfield, Lexington, Orangeburg, Newberry, Richland, Saluda, and Sumter
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Lake Wylie
Name: The Western York County Parkinson Support Group
Meeting place: Lake Wylie Assisted Living, ,4877 Charlotte Hwy, Lake Wylie, SC 29710
Meetings: Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month.
Meeting Time: 4 to 5 p.m.
Contact: Carolyn Petroski
Email cpetroski@parkinsonassociation.org
Contact: Jennifer Davis-Peavy at Lake Wylie Assisted Living
Phone 803-831-9900
No Email
Meeting place: Covenant Baptist Church, 165 Craig Manor Rd., Lancaster, SC
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m.
Contact: Janice Broach
Phone: 803-285-2014
Email: janiceb@hospicecare.net
Contact: Joan Long
Phone: 803-804-5474
Email: joanl@hospicecare.net
Meeting place: Landrum Public Library, 111 Easy Asbury Drive, Landrum SC
Contact: Margaret Moss
Email: cmoss318@windstream.net
Phone: 864-457-2824
Contact: Bob Meeske
Phone: 864-457-4419
No Email |
Serving the Midlands of SC (but not limited to) Lexington, Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Orangeburg, Newberry, Richland, Saluda, and Sumter
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Mount Pleasant and Charleston
Name: Trident Parkinson's Support Group
Meetings: Second Sunday of every month (except July)
Meeting Place: Bon Secours, St. Francis Hospital, West Ashley Meeting Room #1, 2095 Henry Tecklenburg Drive, Charleston, SC 29414
Time: 2:30 pm
Membership is free
Contact: Gretchen Huff
Phone: 843-884-6949
Email: ghuff@bellpartnersinc.com
Jennifer Evans
Phone: 843-810-3934
Email: Jennifer.evans@tenethealth.com
Murrels Inlet - Myrtle Beach - Surfside Beach - Waccamaw SC
Meetings: Waccamaw Community Hospital, 4077 Hwy 17, Murrells Inlet, SC
Every second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Contact: Elaine Casavant
Phone: 843-650-8756 - After 7:00 P.M.
Email: ecasavant@sc.rr.com |
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Serving the Midlands of SC (but not limited to) Newberry, Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Orangeburg, Richland, Saluda, and Sumter
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
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Serving the Midlands of SC (but not limited to) Orangeburg, Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Newberry, Richland, Saluda, and Sumter
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Rock Hill
Meeting place: Chandler Place, 745 Dilworth Lane, Rock Hill
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday
Time: 1:30 pm
Contact: Valerie Badanich
Phone: 803-326-3541
Email: Valerie.badanich@healthsouth.com
Serving the Midlands of SC (but not limited to) Richland, Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Orangeburg, Newberry, Saluda, and Sumter
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Meeting place: Chapman Cultural Center, East Wing Bldg upstairs conference room, 200 E. St. John St. Spartanburg, SC
Contact: Ethel Perricone
Phone: 864-597-1150
Email: ebperricone@yahoo.com
Contact: Winnie Walsh
Phone: 864-579-1002
Email: winwalsh@bellsouth.net
Surfside Beach - Murrels Inlet - Myrtle Beach - Waccamaw SC
Meetings: Waccamaw Community Hospital, 4077 Hwy 17, Murrells Inlet, SC
Every second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Contact: Elaine Casavant
Phone: 843-650-8756 - After 7:00 P.M.
Email: ecasavant@sc.rr.com
Name: Sumter County Parkinson Support Group
Meeting place: Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 211 Alice Drive in Sumter, SC
Meetings: The 3rd Monday of every month
Contact: Don or Deb Forke
Phone: (803) 469-6604
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Sun City - Bluffton - Hilton Head
Meeting place: Bluffton-Okatie Outpatient Center, 40 Okatie Blvd. #100, Okatie, SC
Contact: Betty Eberlie
Phone: 843-705-6578
Email: ebeberle@sc.rr.com
Contact: Muriel Coleman
Phone: 843-987-3505
Saluda and Sumter
Serving the Midlands of SC (but not limited to) Saluda, and Sumter, Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Orangeburg, Newberry, Richland
Name: Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting Place: Lexington Medical Center/Park Auditorium, 2728 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy 378), West Columbia, SC 29169
Meetings: 3rd Sunday of Every Month - Except June - Membership is free
Time: 3:00 pm
Contact: Dottie M. Gantt
Phone: 803-604-0061
Email: contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
Contact: Carol Baker
Phone: 803-781-6193
Email: caroltbaker@bellsouth.net
Web site: www.columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org
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Waccamaw - Murrels Inlet - Myrtle Beach - Surfside Beach
Meeting: Waccamaw Community Hospital, 4077 Hwy 17, Murrells Inlet, SC
Meetings: Every second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Contact: Elaine Casavant
Phone: 843-650-8756 - After 7:00 P.M.
Email: ecasavant@sc.rr.com
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York County
Name: The Western York County Parkinson Support Group
Meeting place: Lake Wylie Assisted Living, ,4877 Charlotte Hwy, Lake Wylie, SC 29710
Meetings: Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month.
Meeting Time: 4 to 5 p.m.
Contact: Carolyn Petroski
Email cpetroski@parkinsonassociation.org
Contact: Jennifer Davis-Peavy at Lake Wylie Assisted Living
Phone 803-831-9900
What Is A Parkinson's Support Group?
A Parkinson's support group can be an informal, self-managed organization of persons with Parkinson's, their caregivers / care partners, family members, and any others who have an interest in Parkinson's disease. The purpose of the group can be to provide a safe place to offer mutual Support in a spirit of self-acceptance and encouragement - help provide Education - share Information - create Awareness about Parkinson's disease -and- Fund Raising to further research for the cure of Parkinson's Disease.
Parkinson support groups can help people to cope with the disease emotionally. These groups can also provide valuable information, advice, and experience to help people with PD, their families, and their caregivers / care partners deal with a wide range of issues; including locating doctors and medical providers familiar with the disease; coping with mental and physical limitations caused by the disease; how to manage living with the side-effects of the disease, and how to understand and deal with the progression of the disease.
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How Will A Support Group Help Me?
The diagnosis of a degenerative condition such as Parkinson's disease raises obvious fears and concerns. Support groups can help provide tips and techniques for living with Parkinson's. Members of support groups often share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. -- for example, support group members can assist those who are newly diagnosed with decisions about when to stop working, and how to provide for their families. Parkinson support groups are where people who have "been there and done that" can offer help and advice to those who are new to the disease, or who are experiencing new effects of Parkinson's.
In order for any support group to help you, first you need to decide what you want to get out of a support group. What is it that you need? Are you looking for treatment tips, coping strategies, information and education about the disease, or do you need to be involved in activities? You may find that some groups focus on discussion among the members; others may focus on participation in activities; while other groups may have a combination of several focuses. Depending on a support group's focus, participants may learn about coping and treatment from guest speakers and medical professionals. Via open discussion forums, members may discuss and share their concerns and life issues, or participate in activities to help them cope with the disease. Some groups may also provide outside activities and support for caregivers.
Don't attend just one meeting - give the group a chance. Initially you might not feel you have much in common with the group's members, and this may change as you get to know them. Once you feel comfortable with a group, you will find that you will get more out of the support group by active participation at meetings.
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How Can I Start A Support Group?
If you are interested in starting a Parkinson's support group? You can visit www.parkinson.org and click on 'Free Publications' to download the Support Group Leaders Manual.