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South Carolina
Did you know that there is one place and phone number you can call to get information about various federal benefits and services, such as applying for Social Security, and Medicare, and even renewing a passport? The federal government has launched a telephone information service at 800-FED-INFO [1800-333-4636] to help people who are seeking an answer to just about any question regarding U.S. Government benefits and services. Operators speaking English and Spanish are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern time. You can also find information online at Answers.usa.gov Also visit USA.gov for answers to other questions you may have.
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This is the Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare. A wealth of information about Medicare & Medicaid services is provided on this site. Information about prescription drug plans is also provided on this site.
Caregivers now have a new resource, the "Caregiver Information - Ask Medicare" web site. This site includes information on navigating through Medicare, health care services, and links to partner organizations that assist caregivers. While this resource was designed for caregivers, it is also quite useful for patients as well.
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The Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging is available to help connect seniors with many available services as provided by the state of South Carolina and other agencies. If you are interested in finding services and providers near you within South Carolina, you can search the SC Access Database.
The SC ACCESS Database is your guide to available resources for older adults, people with disabilities, their family members and caregivers in South Carolina. The Columbia Parkinson's Support Group is listed under the following categories: Agency - Services - Program
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South Carolina's Information Highway for Health and Medical Resources Information - CPSG is listed under the following categories: Health and Medical Organizations and Disability Resources
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is a federally funded program concerned with getting technology into the hands of people with disabilities so that they might live, work, learn and be a more independent part of the community. As part of a national network of technology-related assistance programs, our goal is to enhance independence, productivity and quality of life for all South Carolinians through access to assistive technology devices and services. We provide an equipment loan and demonstration program, an on-line equipment exchange program, training, technical assistance, publications, an interactive CDROM (SC Curriculum Access through AT), an information listserv and work with various state committees that affect AT acquisition and IT accessibility. We link people with technology and work with consumers, service providers, state agencies and policy makers.
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An online RECYCLING DATABASE to help citizens of South Carolina with disabilities and older people with functional limitations find affordable assistive technology devices and equipment. The goal of the South Carolina Assistive Technology Exchange hosted by SCATP is to put AT equipment that is not currently being used into the hands of South Carolinians who can benefit from the equipment.
For more information or to buy, sell or donate, visit the Web site at http://www.scatpexchange.net/ or email Catherine Graham at Catherine.graham@palmettohealth.org
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The SCBOS Web site is a collaboration of several state and federal agencies and private entities that have a commitment to reducing red tape and ensuring more simplicity for historically complicated and time-consuming tasks necessary to open a business. The site will allow for an electronic “one-stop shop” for South Carolina businesses (especially smaller businesses with fewer hours and less travel time and manpower to spare) to register and obtain permits and licensing. In addition to registration, licensing, and renewals, the SCBOS site also will serve as a primary source/point of information and resources for entrepreneurs who are seeking guidance in opening a business in South Carolina.
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promotes and protects the health of the public and the environment, and provides health and environment regulatory services (for example issuing of licenses and permits).
Health Control - SCDHEC provides health programs and services to citizens throughout state. Working with individuals, families, other agencies, institutions and health care providers to promote and protect the health of the public and environment in South Carolina. Services and programs are designed to keep South Carolina residents safe from disease or physical harm wherever they live, eat, seek healthcare, work, or play. To learn more about SC DHEC health programs and services, visit the health web page.
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A news series of information produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. AHRQ’s mission is to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans.
An example of the type of information available on this web site is --- Helpful Steps To Take After You Get a Diagnosis The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has developed a guide to help you find information and support after you receive a diagnosis. --- There is also a lot of topics and information listed on their Browse Page.
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Social Security in the United States currently refers to several social welfare and social insurance programs, which includes the federal Old-Age, Survivors, Medicare, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program. Parts of the Social Security program are administered by individual states.
Local Office Search - If you live in the United States and you want information and directions to the Social Security office that serves your area, just enter your U.S. Postal Service five-digit ZIP code and select Locate. You will obtain information about your local Social Security office and other agencies in your area that may be able to help you.
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If you have questions about the provisions of the health care changes that apply to you, go to healthcare.gov The amount of information on this website can be overwhelming, but this site does a good job of pointing you in the direction to topics of specific interest. For example - you can click on "Find Insurance Options", and you will be guided through the recent insurance changes.
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The VA has a website dedicated to information about Parkinson's Disease. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Parkinson's Disease, Research, Education and Clinical Centers (PADRECCs) and the National VA Parkinson's Disease Consortium websites can be accessed at. http://www.parkinsons.va.gov/
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The SC Center for Disability Resources (CDR) Library is a library of materials, concerned with a variety of disabilities (not just Parkinson's), that are loaned to individuals and families nationwide. There is a wealth of information available. This website is a portal to several other websites, links, and resources on disabilities. The InfoAble Portal is a great graphic that show you what the CDR is all about - you can use it to see what is available to you.
The library is a collaborative effort between BabyNet/First Steps to School Readiness, the Center for Disability Resources, the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Library.
The CDR Library consists of books, videos, brochures, and audiotapes covering a variety of disability-related topics.
The Center for Disability Resources Library is located within the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Library on Garners Ferry Road. For more information on how to obtain books and information about the library CLICK HERE
This CDR website has a good list of statewide disability related web sites CLICK HERE
They also have a great SC CDR BLOG that has events, information, and resources regarding disabilities. I recommend that you visit this BLOG to see what is there. They welcome your comments and suggestions about books and videos that you have borrowed, materials that you would like to see purchased, or anything involving the day-to-day operations of the library or even of disabilities in general. CLICK HERE
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"Today PAN serves as the voice of Parkinson's on numerous public policy issues affecting the Parkinson's community. In addition to continuing our work on NIH funding and research, the Parkinson's community is now a powerful voice on many crucial issues including Parkinson's-specific programs at the Departments of Defense and Veteran's Affairs, FDA drug approval issues, HHS programs (Medicare and Social Security), and our continuing struggle to achieve research freedom for stem cell research."
Adrienne O’Neill, State Director For SC
Hilton Head Island, SC
843-836-2727 (home)
843-505-0175 (cell)
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