
Steve Parrot
May 17, 2009 Meeting
Photo by Dennis Baker
Note: All calendar information and events are subject to change.
Please visit often for the recent and newest updates.
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 Tulip symbol indicates Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
Meeting and / or Event
January 18, 2009 |
Speaker: Michael Oana, Chief Investment Officer of Team Oana Investment Advisors, Inc.
Topic: "Life Income and Market Volatility"
Members of our group enjoyed Michael's previous presentation, and asked if we would have him back to discuss the impact of the financial market volatility on senior retirement investments and plans.
Contact Michael Oana at mjo@teamoana.com
Telephone: (803) 343-3343
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February 3, 2009
The FRONTLINE TV Show to Air Parkinson's Special - "My Father, My Brother and Me"
DATE OF TV SHOW: February 3, 2009 - (Check your local area newspaper or on-line listings for air time on your local PBS / ETV station and Mark Your Calendars for "My Father, My Brother and Me," television and radio producer Dave Iverson's film on Parkinson's disease (featuring an interview with Michael J. Fox).
Iverson has been a television and radio producer for over 30 years. Two years ago, he took on a very personal project, a film about Parkinson's disease. Iverson first learned about Parkinson's in the fall of 1971. That was when he got a letter from his mom telling him that his father had been diagnosed with the disease. Twenty years later, Iverson's brother was diagnosed with Parkinson's. And in the summer of 2002, Iverson himself began experiencing familiar symptoms; it would be two years before his diagnosis became official, but he knew what the likely outcome would be. For Iverson, Parkinson's is a personal story, but the disease is much more than a family saga. It's the second most common neurological disorder there is, and it raises intriguing questions for science and our aging society. His film, "My Father, My Brother and Me", explores all of these angles.
Excerpts from the film are already available to view online, and the producers are sharing stories and answering questions on their Blog. You are invited to join the conversation. Watch video stories of patients and researchers featured in the film. Preview the film, including an interview excerpt with Michael J. Fox.
Visit the FRONTLINE web site which has links to additional information - you can preview the film, learn about the making of this film, comments, reading links, and more.
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February 15, 2009
Speaker: Catherine Beard from Senior Matters Extended Services, LLC
Topic: Caregiver Burnout
While trying to stay at home and remain as independent as possible, many Parkinson patients have family members and friends who are caregivers for them. It is very common for caregivers to experience "burnout" while trying to care for their loved ones.
What is caregiver burnout? Caregivers who are "burned out" may experience fatigue, stress, anxiety, and depression. Many caregivers also feel guilty if they spend time on themselves rather than on their ill or elderly loved ones.
Catherine will discuss the symptoms of caregiver burnout, what causes burnout, and what to do to help and/or prevent burnout.
In Columbia: (803) 779-1181
Toll Free (888) 779-1182
Email: Info@seniormatters.com http://www.seniormatters.net/
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March 11, 2009
EVENT: South Carolina Assistive Technology Expo 2009
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Free and open to the public
Contact: Janet Jendron
See and try the latest devices, equipment, gadgets, and software to help people of all ages live more independently in all areas of life. Attend workshops on topics related to assistive technology for memory, home living, education, literacy, communication, computer access, and mobility.
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March 15, 2009
Note: The speaker from SC Access of the South Carolina Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging
and the topic of "Services available to Seniors from the South Carolina Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging" will be re-scheduled at a later date.
Visit the web site SC Access Database and South Carolina Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging
For our open forum meetings we usually start with a theme or topic and go from there. Our members have an opportunity to share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. At the open forum meetings, our members tell us they learn about things that they can't find in anywhere else, because they are learning directly from other Parkinson patients and their caregivers.
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April 19, 2009
Speaker: Victoria Aiello and students from the Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of South Carolina
Topic: Simple speech strategies for everyday communication. Including: A Parkinson twist on speech, memory and swallowing - A discussion of simple augmentative communication tasks, memory strategies, safe eating habits - and Lee Silverman voice therapy (LSVT)
Contact: Sarah C. Scarborough, M.A. Clinical Instructor
Email scarbosc@mailbox.sc.edu
Telephone: (803) 777-2622
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April 21, 2009
Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer presents the South Carolina State Proclamation declaring April as Parkinson Awareness Month. To view photos of the ceremony and to see the proclamation CLICK HERE
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May 17, 2009
Speaker: Steve Parrot - Life and Business coach and Owner of Retire Ease
Topic: New advances in home care geared to the Parkinson's patient
Steve is the owner and director of one of the largest and fastest growing non-medical home care agencies in the midlands of SC. Retire Ease employs caregivers to serve seniors and disabled individuals that wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible. "Our clients enjoy independence in the comfort and safety of their own homes while receiving one-on-one care from a qualified, trustworthy Companion Aide."
Contact: (803) 865-5033 & (866) 294-3273 & (803) 408-1500
Email: info@retireease.com
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May 22, 2009
Medical Collage of Georgia - 8th Annual Parkinson Disease Seminar - Learn More About Parkinson Disease and the MCGHealth Movement Disorders Program
Date: Friday, May 22, 2009
Time: 8:00 a.m. to Noon
Location: Doubletree Hotel Augusta - 2651 Perimeter Parkway - Augusta, GA 30909
The MCGHealth Neuroscience Center Movement Disorders Program, a recognized Center of Excellence by the National Parkinson Foundation, invites everyone with Parkinson’s Disease, their family and friends to the Eighth Annual Parkinson Disease Seminar.
Topics include:
• Neuropsychiatric Problems in Parkinson’s Disease - Dr. Mark Stacy, Duke University
• Surgical Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease - Dr. Cole Giller, MCGHealth
• Current Drug Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease - Dr. Shyamal Mehta, MCGHealth Registration is FREE but required. Seating is limited. Continental breakfast served.
Register early by calling 706-721-4895
Email: astefanakos@mcg.edu
Register online at http://www.mcg.edu/som/neurosurgery
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June 16, 2009
Tango for Therapy Classes - Tango For Therapy uses the Argentine Tango as the basis to work on balance, gait, mental focus, concentration, stretching, thinking, and doing. Based on studies, research, medical journals, clinical trials, personal experience, and observation, the moves and steps of Argentine Tango have shown to help counteract the debilitating symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Contact: Elizabeth Jones
Email: tangofortherapy@gmail.com -- www.tangofortherapy.com
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June 21, 2009
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July 19, 2009
Speaker: Terrie Whitling-Starr, Author
Topic: "The Many Faces of Parkinson's Disease"
Terrie is 54 years old and has had Parkinson's since she was 28. Determined to find a way to live with PD, Terrie has had a pallidotomy and bilateral DBS. She has published a book, "The Many Faces of Parkinson's Disease", that is a collection of short stories that help show how she has learned to live in harmony with PD. Terrie will be sharing her own PD experiences, and looks forward to having audience interaction with a Q&A session, and also having the audience share their own PD experiences.
Contact: Terrie Whitling-Star
Email: terriestarr@aol.com
(803) 604-8936
Copies of the book, "The Many Faces of Parkinson's Disease" ISBN# 978-1-4357-0860-0 can be purchased directly from the web site Lulu.com -or- by using the ISBN number when placing an order at any bookstore.
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August 16, 2009
For our open forum meetings we usually start with a theme or topic and go from there. Our members have an opportunity to share their own experiences; ask questions of each other; and help each other by proving solutions that they have for various issues, concerns, problems, etc. At the open forum meetings, our members tell us they learn about things that they can't find in anywhere else, because they are learning directly from other Parkinson patients and their caregivers.
Our August 16th Meeting Is All About You --- We received your feedback, and we listened to your suggestions ---our August Open Forum will be all about you – the PD patients and the care partners. We will divide the attendees into groups consisting of care partners and groups of PD patients. There will be a moderator to help guide and facilitate your discussions. At the end of the meeting the PD patients and the care partners join back together to present the summary of their discussion groups. This forum will give everyone an opportunity to talk, share concerns, issues, tips, information, feedback, etc. --- and will provide ways for patients and care partners to support and communicate with each other.
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September 20, 2009
Speaker: Cole Giller, MD, PhD, MBA, FACS
Topic: DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) - Surgical Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Dr. Giller is the Director of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery; Clinical Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Georgia Click Here for More Information
In addition to being a neurosurgeon, Dr. Giller is a cancer survivor, and has written the book "PORT IN THE STORM: How to Make a Medical Decision and Live to Tell About It"; where he shares his experiences, using his compassion, understanding, and medical knowledge to present an empowering six-step program for making a medical decision that’s right for you. Lifeline Press ; ISBN: 0895261324 - Paperback - 320 pages (January 2004) $16.95 - Available on Amazon.com
Here is a six step summary from Dr. Giller's book for deciding between complex medical options Click Here
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September 22-23, 2009
Event: The first Annual SRS Health & Safety Expo (HSE)
The goal for the HSE is to promote health and safety, both at home and in the workplace. There will be booths available with demonstrations and products displayed to promote a safer, healthier lifestyle and increase awareness. Vendors and exhibits about medical health and safety issues (including Parkinson's information).
Sponsor: Savannah River Site
Where: USC Convocation Center, Aiken SC
Cost: Free
University of South Carolina Aiken Convocation Center in Aiken, South Carolina
Contact: Troy Lorier
Phone: 803-952-6132
Email: HSE_Response@srs.gov
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September 25, 2009
Parkinson’s Disease 101: This seminar is designed for the newly diagnosed (within 2 yrs) individual and their caregiver.
Sponsor: Duke University Movement Disorders Center
Time: 12:00 – 4:00 PM
Where: Durham, NC
Contact: Arlene D’Alli
Phone: 919-684-5128
Email: arlene.dalli@duke.edu2009
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September 30, 2009
Topic: Join Andrew Siderowf, MD, MSCE, Director of the NPF Center of Excellence at the University of Pennsylvania, for a free LIVE webinar on his work on Parkinson's Associated Risk Study (PARS)
Starting Time: 1:00pm EDT
Cost: FREE
Co-Sponsored by: National Parkinson Foundation and American Parkinson Disease Association
Initial findings from this study were first presented at the Movement Disorder Society in Paris last June, and the project is on-going. This is the first time Dr. Siderowf will be talking with patients about this promising project that is helping researchers to diagnose Parkinson’s disease earlier so that neuroprotective therapies can be initiated sooner. Dr. Siderowf will be inviting participants to be a part of this important research. Webinar attendees will be able to ask questions live as well as meet a study participant. Register for the PARS webinar
What is the PARS study?
Dr. Siderowf is screening over 15,000 close relatives of people with PD. His goal is to evaluate these tests to see if with them he can detect early signs of Parkinson’s disease. The most promising test so far is the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT), a test of the sense of smell. Changes in sensitivity to odors frequently occur prior to the onset of motor symptoms.
All are welcome to attend this webinar! Dr. Siderowf is particularly interested in connecting with people with PD and also their children, parents, and siblings who are over 50 years old. You can also participate if you have a relative with young onset PD and you are close in age to when your relative developed symptoms (or older). If you know someone who meets these criteria, please forward this message to them!
Click here to learn more about PARS
To learn more about why the sense of smell may be an important screening tool for Parkinson disease go to What is the PARS study?
To understand and learn more about Clinical Trials in general before this meeting, and how to ask questions about clinical trails, please visit our web page for "Understanding Clinical Trials" information
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October 8 – 10, 2009
Southeastern Parkinson Disease Conference
Sponsor: Northwest Georgia Parkinson Disease Assoc
Where: Ford Hall at Berry College in Rome, Georgia
Contact Email: james@gaparkinsons.org
Contact Phone: 706-413-3264 or 706-235-3164
Web Site: www.gaparkinsons.org
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October 15, 2009
Greenville, SC
Speaker: Kapil D. Sethi, MD, FRCP (U.K.), FAAN, Professor and Director of Medical College of Georgia Movement Disorders Program
Time: 2:00 pm
Meeting place: John Knox Presbyterian Church, 35 Shannon Dr., Greenville, SC 29615
Contact: Sandy Holmes
Phone: 864-609-1793
Email: jimsan82@att.net
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October 18, 2009
Speaker: Irene Reinecke
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Topic: MyPHRSC (My Personal Health Record South Carolina)
South Carolina is one of the first states in the nation to provide electronic storage of Medicare health information. MyPHRSC is a free and secure electronic Personal Health Record that stores your Medicare claims history for the past 24 months in one convenient place. Updated daily, the health record provides you with one place where you can track your medical history. With MyPHRSC, you don’t have to search through your paper records to find what you need. You can access your records in one place, wherever you are, and whenever you need them. You will have access to your Medicare information 48 hours after you register. With MyPHRSC, you can view and manage the following Medicare claims information:
Provider Visits
Medical conditions
You can add additional health related information about yourself to your own record.
It's Your Health ~ Your Record ~ Online ~ Anytime!
More Information: https://myphrsc.com/
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October 23-24, 2009
Young Onset Parkinson Conference & Webcast
Dallas, Texas
Attend for FREE via "LIVE" Webcast – participants will be able to submit questions via the internet during live designated Q & A periods.
Register for YOPC Webcast
For more information, visit www.parkinson.org or contact Adolfo Diaz at 305.243.7697 or adiaz@parkinson.org
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October 25, 2009
Symposium - The Science and Practice of BIG: Empowering People with Parkinson disease
Sponsor: LSVT Global
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Where: DoubleTree South Park – Charlotte, NC
Contact Toll Free Phone: 1-888-606-5788
Contact Phone: 1-520-609-5363
Contact Email: LSVT@earthlink.net
Web site: http://www.lsvtglobal.com/
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October 29, 2009
My Personal Health Record, South Carolina (MyPHRSC) and Lieutenant Governor André Bauer’s Office on Aging are proud to invite you to the
2nd Annual Senior Empowerment Fair. This fair will give you the opportunity to learn about serious issues impacting seniors, including how to protect yourself against fraud. Lieutenant Governor Bauer will hold a Question and Answer Session in the morning to answer questions from seniors and their families.
MyPHRSC staff will be on hand to answer your questions, help you register, and talk about changes to MyPHRSC, such as the addition of TRICARE for Life pharmacy data.
TIME: Come any time between 10:00am - 2:00pm
WHERE: Myrtle Beach Marriott Resort & Spa at Grande Dunes,
8400 Costa Verde Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
RSVP: Call (888) 697-4772 or email rsvp@myphrsc.com
COST: Free
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November 7, 2009
Conference: The Ups and Downs of Care Giving
Annual conference providing information and resources to help individuals cope with challenges of care giving. Speakers will address topics including challenging behaviors, hospice and palliative care, respite services, legal issues, veteran's benefits and accessing the different levels of care along the continuum.
Sponsor: Caregiver’s Coalition of the Midlands (CCOM)
Time: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Where: Ndoki Lodge – Riverbanks Zoo and Garden
Information: Pre-registration required
Cost: Open to all caregivers ~ Free & Lunch is included
Phone: 803-296-5978 – Palmetto Health Baptist PrimeTimes
Note: Respite care for family member available on day of conference. Advance arrangements required by Oct. 23, 2009
~ Phone 376-5390
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November 7, 2009
WHAT: CSRA Parkinson's Walk
SPONSOR: CSRA Parkinson's Support Group (the Augusta Chapter of the National Parkinson's Foundation),
WHERE: The track at the Family Y, 3570 Wheeler Rd, Augusta GA
WHEN: 8 a.m. registration, 8:45 a.m. opening ceremonies, 9 a.m. walk
COST: $15 registration fee for T-shirt
Contact: Mary Ann Navarro - CSRA Parkinson Support Group, 1429 Harper St., HF 1121, Augusta, GA 30912-3200
Phone: 706-364-1662
Email: parkinsoncsra@comcast.net
Can’t Walk – Donate & Get a T-Shirt for a Good Cause!
Mary Ann Navarro, the president of the CSRA Parkinson's Support Group, says - "The walk has been at the Family Y track every year. We find that successful because we encourage everybody to walk. Our goal is two miles, which is eight times around the track, but if some of our walkers with Parkinson's can walk only one time around, we applaud that. It becomes a festive celebration as well as a fund-raiser." Registration begins at 8 a.m., opening ceremonies to honor sponsors at 8:45 a.m., followed by the walk at 9 a.m. Participants are encouraged to make donations.
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November 15, 2009
Speaker: Judy Greenwood of the South Carolina Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging
Topic: "Medicare and Changes in Medicare that will take place in 2010"
Visit the web site SC Access Database and South Carolina Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging
Judy Greenwood
Senior Medicare Patrol Project/
I-CARE Coordinator
Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging
1301 Gervais Street, Suite 200
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
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November 19, 2009
What: "The Best Care for Your Parents: Senior Care Solutions and Potential Pitfalls"
Hosted by: Suzanne Mintz, President of the National Family Caregivers Association and Paul Hogan, Co-founder of Home Instead Senior Care
Time: 7 p.m.
Register: http://www.caregiverstress.com/
People taking care of senior family members can get professional tips without leaving home - by going online to listen to a Web Conference. The free presentation is part of National Family Caregiver's Month.
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December 4, 2009
Sponsored by: Parkinson Association of the Carolinas
Speakers/Topics: Dr. Danielle Englert - Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS); Dr. Alexander Troster - Depression and Other non-motor challenges; Dr. Mark Hirsch - The benefits of exercise for Parkinson’s patients; and Dr. Reza Bolouri - Lewy Body Dementia (LBD).
Where: Ramada- Airport South, 212 Woodlawn Road, Charlotte NC 28217
Cost: $20
Time: 8:30 am – 3:15 pm
Lunch: Provided – as well as refreshments for breaks
Contact Sarah Minge at Sminge@parkinsonassociation.org or (704) 248-3722
Toll-Free: 1-866-903-7275
Web site: http://www.parkinsonassociation.org/
Pre-registration is required - Deadline for Registration is Monday, November 30th
Out-of-town participants staying at the Ramada hotel will get discount rooms at $59/night - Rooms are available to out-of-town participants by calling 1-800-VIP-STAY.
Note: This Is An Excellent Symposium!
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December 20, 2009
Annual Christmas / Holiday Party
Entertainment and Refreshments will be provided
We will be having live entertainment by Bob Michalski, who plays a wide variety of contemporary and jazz instrumental selections. Bob has appeared in many locations around Columbia, including churches, weddings, and corporate events. Visit HERE to hear a short sample of Bob's dinner music.
For several samples of Bob's wide variety music CLICK HERE - Be sure to click on the playlist titles in the right-hand box.
WIS TV recognized Bob in December, 2007 for his volunteer work with music therapy. To see the WIS TV videos CLICK HERE ~~ scroll down the page to find the WIS videos.
Email: reedman@bellsouth.net
Phone: 803-315-8353
Websit: http://www.bobthesaxplayer.com/
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What is a PODCAST? A podcast is a series of digital media files, either audio or video, that is released and downloaded through web syndication. The mode of delivery is what differentiates podcasts from other ways of accessing media files over the Internet. New files can thus be downloaded automatically by the podcatcher and stored locally on the user's computer or other device for offline use, giving simpler access to content. Like the term broadcast, podcast can refer either to an ongoing series or episodes of a particular program.
What is a WEBCAST? A webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology. A webcast may either be distributed live or on demand. Essentially, webcasting is “broadcasting” over the Internet.
What is a WEBINAR? A webinar is a specific type of web conference. It is typically one-way, from the speaker to the audience with limited audience interaction, such as in a webcast. A webinar can be collaborative, and include polling and question & answer sessions to allow full participation between the audience and the presenter.
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Special Event - Webcast of Parkinson Symposiums - FREE!
The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) is offering four educational symposiums and webcasts for people with Parkinson's, caregivers and family members and allied health professionals. Each will feature Parkinson’s experts discussing the latest advances in research and treatments. Not in your neighborhood? No problem! Watch each event's webcast LIVE or after the event. Each half-day symposium will be available both to a live audience and to those who prefer to watch the event webcasts from their home computers. Not only can webcast viewers watch presentations in real time, they can also submit their own questions to our experts.
Those who cannot join the webcast live can still view the symposia via a webcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for one year following each event. For more information about the webcasts Click Here
May 9, 2008 - What’s in the Pipeline for Parkinson’s?
July 18, 2008 - Mind, Mood and Body: Understanding Non motor Symptoms of PD
October 11, 2008 - Surgical Advances, DBS and Parkinson's Disease
April 4, 2009 - Quality of Life and Parkinson's Disease
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