Duncan says there is a lot of things you can do.
Photo by Dr. Ben Herz
READ and RESEARCH for information
ATTEND support group meetings / events / seminars / classes / lectures
LEARN about lifestyle decisions you will need to make
MAKE SURE your legal and medical documents are up-to-date
What can you can do for yourself and to support the Parkinson's community:
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Educate yourself and others about Parkinson's
According to the National Parkinson Foundation, for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, Self-Care and Education are crucial for dealing with the progression of the disease; and attending support group meetings provide an important component for this self-care.
Learn as much as you can about Parkinson's. The better educated you are, the better you can manage your own health care, or that of your loved one. Our web site has a lot of information and resources to help you get started.
Did you know?
Every nine minutes an individual is diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.
There are 60,000 new cases of Parkinson's Disease a year.
There are over 1,000,000 million Parkinson patients in the United States.
There is no “definitive test” that can confirm Parkinson's disease.
Currently there is no cure for Parkinson's. Medication can substitute for the missing dopamine, but it is only a temporary solution.
Parkinson's is not just your grandparent's or "old folks" disease.
The total cost to the nation is estimated to exceed $6 billion annually.
Without more federal funding for research to find a cure for Parkinson's, numbers will only increase each year
Click here to learn more about "What Is Parkinson's Disease?" |
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Be involved in support group meetings
Be Involved in your local support group and help them to help you and others. By participating in our support group meetings you will learn more about Parkinson's disease, about self-care, and how to help yourself.
Guests are always welcome to come with you to the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group meetings. The more your family, friends, neighbors, business associates, or anyone who has an interest in Parkinson's disease can learn about Parkinson's disease, the more support they can provide to you.
Our support group always welcomes students from our universities and colleges - and professionals from the medical community!
We encourage you and your guests to join and actively participate in our support group meetings.
Click here for meeting information about the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group
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We Need You To Help Us Help You - Please Volunteer!
Like any other support group, the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group's monthly programs, and services to the Parkinson's community are made possible because of our wonderful Volunteers, who donate their time, talents, resources, and other types of contributions. You can share and donate in many different ways to your local Parkinson's support group.
Volunteering to any cause that's important to you is extremely gratifying. As a volunteer you will not only will you help your local Parkinson’s support group, but you will feel better personally by volunteering and giving back to your community. You can volunteer and share your experience, skills and talents; and you can volunteer to learn new skills.
A Volunteer can be a PD patient, a caregiver, or just someone interested in Parkinson's disease. As a Volunteer, you can share your experience, skills, talents, and learn new skills. As a Volunteer, you will have the opportunity and to experience and meet some very special people in the Parkinson's community, and those who provide services to the Parkinson's community. As a Volunteer, you will always have assistance from other members on our Board and on our committees.
Click Here to read a personal letter from a Volunteer, who found out that being a Volunteer improved her life.
We always need Volunteers to help our support group. If you are interested, and want more information about Volunteering, please feel free to contact us at Email contact@columbiaparkinsonsupportgroup.org - or- one of our CLICK HERE.
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Spread the word and become an advocate for yourself and the Parkinson's community
Your family, friends, neighbors, community, and state and local governments need to hear and learn from you about Parkinson's. It is important that you tell them about Parkinson's, and why it is important that a cure is needed in your lifetime. Use your voice to help create awareness about Parkinson's disease. Become an active advocate for Parkinson's and for yourself. Help publicize the need for everyone to help find a cure.
During Parkinson's Awareness Month in April, help focus your community and media on Parkinson's disease. You can help obtain a proclamation to be issued in your community, town, city, county, and state.
Click here for an example the wording as shown in the 2011 SC Governor's Proclamation
Your local library can be a great spot for others to obtain and to provide education about Parkinson's. You can help set-up a display of educational materials and books about Parkinson's. Many of the national Parkinson's organizations will furnish material for free. National Parkinson Foundation LIbrary - Parkinson's Disease Foundation Publications
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Learn about, when and how participate in clinical trials
A clinical trial (also clinical research) is a research study in human volunteers to answer specific health questions. Choosing to participate in a clinical trial is an important personal decision. Participation in clinical trials is another way to support Parkinson's disease and to help find a cure. Click Here To Find More Information About Clinical Trials
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Make a donation / give a contribution / give the perfect gift
n Memory and In Honor- Experiencing the effects of Parkinson's upon a loved one inspires many to donate in that person's memory or honor. A tribute or memorial donation is a meaningful and hopeful way to honor someone special in your life while supporting Parkinson's.
The Perfect Gift - If you sometimes have trouble finding " the perfect gift" for someone, giving a gift in his or her honor that "gives back" to others can be a most appreciated gesture.
Support The Cure - Columbia Parkinson's Support Group raises funds to help provide support, information, education, create awareness, and further research to find a cure for Parkinson's.
Support your support group by making a donation. The Columbia Parkinson's Support Group does not collect dues to be a member of our support group. Our programs, services, and website are made possible because of donations and contributions from our members and the public. We depend on the generosity of those who wish to help us to continue providing support and services to the Parkinson's community.
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Duncan Donates To Parkinson's!
Photo by Dr. Ben Herz |
Help The Parkinson's Community To Get A United States Postage Stamp!
People like Michael J. Fox, Muhammad Ali, Billy Graham, and Janet Reno have brought great awareness to the PD community. Think about the magnitude of awareness if the Parkinson's community had a Parkinson's Disease Awareness postage stamp designed and sold through the United States Postal Service (USPS).
On April 23, 2006, Claire Salamon applied to the Postal Service’s Citizen’s Stamp Advisory Committee for a series of 4 stamps about Incurable Diseases of the Central Nervous System and Spinal Cord Injuries. In her application, Claire suggested that the red tulip be used on the Parkinson's disease stamp, if it is approved. This petition will be sent to the USPS – in support of Claire’s application – requesting that they use this red PD Tulip (designed by Karen Painter) on the Parkinson's disease stamp. Click here to add your name to the PD Stamp petition |